
What is a UPVC door and how is it different from other doors?

To find out more information in this section, we recommend you to read this text to fully meet the needs of you, esteemed visitor. In this article, only the types of hinged UPVC doors are mentioned. You can refer to other contents available on the site for other types of doors, such as sliding and Volkswagen or folding.

The use of double glazed UPVC doors and windows has become very common in new buildings. UPVC doors are a type of double-pane doors that are made of UPVC material. It can be said with confidence that UPVC Double-pane are more resistant than iron and aluminum doors, which are available in many designs and colors. Double glazed UPVC doors, due to their high resistance, make your living environment more secure.

Types of UPVC doors:

Single door: Suitable for balcony and bathroom doors due to their insulation and waterproofness, which is available in a variety of white colors and wood designs. This model of doors has handles with switch locks on both sides.

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